Over the last few years I have been studying quantum physics in a practical way through my art. It has manifested itself in my poetry first and is a heavy part of my next poetry book. They are quantum communications of love spoken into moisture and released on the wind into the world.
I found these expressions came back to me as I began to paint again last year after a hiatus. They came back in the abstracts I do where I throw acrylics onto canvas, in both a fit of random therapeutic catharsis, and strategic channelling. One day as I stared at these abstract art pieces, I noticed they looked like start clusters, nebulas, and other space phenomenon we have seen depicted in sci fi shows. It occurred to me that I have been meditating on this, and listening to the universe in all my quiet moments. I felt like maybe I have stumbled upon something quantum physics and biology have yet to reconcile, our entire body of nerve endings are receptors for messages from the universe that we cannot fully process in yet.
I then got up and used a secret set of paint to add one last quantum message on these paintings. They are only revealed once the lights go out, and then only for a few minutes, before these fade. I am convinced that the mathematics of these abstract paintings, as well as my poetry on the subject, has been channeled through me from the beginning of time, and throughout all of space.
These are the current set of paintings I have hung in the Studio + Gallery, and are my current ongoing inspiration.